Many of you might be searching for sustainable tips and tricks to maintain your solar water heater. Since solar heaters are more environmentally friendly, they are widely and repeatedly used in households for heating water. The more they are used, the more they require regular maintenance to avoid damage. Regular maintenance of solar water heaters can help the owners avoid financial worries in the long run. Want to know how? Read this blog to know!
Up to 45% less heat is lost when insulation is added to solar water heaters and water heating expenses can be lowered by up to 9%. This is the reason why maintaining your water heater is beneficial. Enhancing efficiency and longevity is achieved by clearing silt from the tank. Additionally, ensure that the tank has a functioning anode rod hanging in it. This will assist in keeping the inside tank from rusting out. Replacing a worn-out rod is significantly less expensive than buying a new heater.
What is a Solar Water Heater?
A solar water heater is a type of water heater that heats water by harnessing solar radiation from the sun. Solar panels on solar water heaters assist in transferring solar energy from the sun to the water tank through the use of a heat exchanger.
Solar Water Heater Maintenance Tips
For solar water heater systems to continue functioning effectively, regular maintenance and inspections are necessary. Additionally, some parts could occasionally require replacement or repair. You should also take precautions against freezing, scaling and corrosion. Some inspections and maintenance procedures could be manageable for you to perform alone, but others would call for the assistance of a trained professional. In certain cases, replacing, turning off, or removing the solar system could be more economical than having it fixed. Here are some tips and tricks to help you troubleshoot your Solar Water Heater.
Check Your Solar Water Heater System Regularly
If properly maintained, a solar water heater system can endure for many years. For best results, the majority of specialists advise having your system checked every six months and maintaining it properly. Check every part of the heater and pre-replace the parts that are torn or damaged. Also, there are a few things you need to make sure are correctly inspected to guarantee the longest potential lifespan for your solar water heaters.
- Inspect tanks and pipes for leaks.
- Verify that there are no leaks, as this could have an impact on the solar water heater’s effectiveness.
- Look for any insulator breakage. If there are any, have them fixed right away.
- Make sure all loose wires are secured to avoid them hanging.
Clean your System Parts
Frequently disinfect or repair the recirculating pumps, filters and other parts of your solar water heater. Ensure that you thoroughly clean the device following the manual that came with it. You can clean up your solar heater on your own; you don’t always need to call a plumber or specialist. Dust can occasionally get inside your heaters, particularly since the majority of solar water heaters are mounted on rooftops, which are dust-prone areas. In these situations, all you have to do is spray water on your solar water heater, scrub it well with soapy water, and then rinse it off.
Flush out Water From the Tank
In terms of solar water heater maintenance, this is possibly the most crucial stage. It is crucial to flush the system once a year to get rid of any dust or dirt that may have accumulated over the year. A lot of dust and algae can build up in the tank or collector, causing blockage and making it difficult for the solar heater to function normally. Shut down the system’s electricity and empty the water into a bucket to flush the tank. After the tank is empty, add fresh water to it and restart the electricity.
Avoid Corrosion in the Pump
Your heaters may stop working properly as a result of corrosion in the water heater systems, which is frequently caused by continuous water flow. Cleaning the solar heater dry when not in use is the best approach to avoid this. This would prevent the heater from corroding and eroding. Painting the impacted sections after cleaning them to stop the heater from malfunctioning is another way to combat erosion.
Use the Proper Water Heater System
The correct water heater can make all the difference in how effective your solar system is. Make sure you are utilizing the appropriate water heater for what you require in terms of both size and function by reading the manual that came with your system. Make sure to check the water heater’s provided temperature. You can utilize a different kind of water heater that is available in the market if you are dissatisfied with the quality of your current one.
Check on the Connecting Parts
Connectors, sometimes referred to as “harnesses” or “power leads,” are included with solar panels. If you don’t use the correct connector, it may stop your solar panels from functioning as intended. In addition to being linked to the solar charger that comes with your water heater, the solar panel needs to be connected to any power blocks or string inverters you may be utilizing. The connector you need to utilize for your solar system depends on the handbook that comes with it.
Go for a Technical Check
It is a good idea to have a system specialist inspect your solar panel system after installation. Any issues that are now plaguing your system can be identified by an expert. You can contact 7351002123 and we can help you get connected with an expert to troubleshoot any kind of problems you are facing.
Purchasing a solar water heater is something you ought to think about doing. Despite the initial expense, the long-term savings and increased durability will make it a cost-effective investment. Get in touch with Mentor Water Experts if you want to install water heaters. Contact us today at +91-73510-02123 for more.